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"Synthesis Methodology Studies of Fluorine-Containing Heterocyclic Compounds” Awarded 2007 Second Prize of Shanghai Natural Science
Update time: 2008-01-25
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In morning of 18th January 2008, the Shanghai municipal government in Shanghai Exhibition Center halls of friendship held a grand conference of Shanghai science and technology awards. Zhengsheng Yu, a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee issued the certificate and prize money for the 2007 Shanghai Hero Technology Prize winner Academician Daqian Li and Academician Kerong Dai Mayor Zheng Han attended the conference and made a speech.

2007 Shanghai Science and Technology Awards are issued total of 319 projects, of which 25 Natural Science Awards, 40 Technological Invention Award, 254 scientific and technological progress Awards. Two foreign experts were awarded International Science and Technology Cooperation Awards.

This time, Researchers Zhu and other persons who are working in our institute are completed the project: "Synthesis Methodology Studies of Fluorine-Containing Heterocyclic Compounds" was awarded the second prize of Shanghai Natural Science.

It is a new method of synthesis of fluorine-containing compounds had been developed since the late 80's last century that synthesis of fluorine-containing compounds use of fluorine-containing block method. For the reaction is not involved C-F bond generation or break fault, the reaction is normally carried out under mild conditions.

Zhu is the first in China to enter the group of the study area, easy to get them from the fluorine-containing raw materials from industrial, through a simple chemical synthesis into the corresponding fluorine-containing synthetic building blocks and use them in a more moderate reaction conditions with many reaction of organic reagents, preparation of thousands of fluorine-containing heterocyclic compounds.

The research published SCI papers a total of 113, and cited by others 634 times. Response to the invitation of magazine editors of ACTA CHIMICA SINICA., Current Org. Chem., and Mini Org. Chem., it was published the Review about synthesis of fluorine containing heterocyclic compounds. It was applied 11 patents about this research, of which seven have been authorized.

Because of its easy to get cheap raw materials, mild reaction conditions, reaction of a wide range of characteristics such as the concern of the international counterparts, domestic and international meeting was invited to make a total of 10 views the report of the meeting. These studies in the field of organic elements to reach international leading level, has important theoretical significance and wide application prospects.

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