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Shanghai Key Laboratory of Special Fund Project "Clean Catalytic Hydrogenationand Olefin Hydroformylation" Passed the Finished Check and Acceptance
Update time: 2008-03-24
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On March 19, 2008, the Shanghai Science and Technology Committee organized experts to conducted finished check and acceptance on the Shanghai Key Laboratory of Special Fund Project "Clean Catalytic Hydrogenation and Olefin Hydroformylation" project charged by Researcher Xuelong Hou.

The expert panel reviewed the project team submitted report and related information, heard the final report, the panel believes that the team’s work meet the needs of the industrial sector. After two years of study, cooperated with the industrial sector, the team completed work as follows: 1. It was synthesized more than 50 ligands with different structures, and tried into the catalytic hydrogenation and hydroformylation reactions; 2, It developed a number of highly efficient, highly selective asymmetric catalytic hydrogenation reactions. It got the catalytic function of the chiral polymer materials, and realized the catalyst recycling and reuse through the activity of non-covalent bond (hydrogen bond and coordination bond). The development of high efficiency, high selectivity of propylene hydroformylation catalytic system, and achieved a 10 liters test -mode device more than 1000 hours run; 3, The project team published research paper 13, in which the impact factor greater than 3 were 6, and applied 3 patents. There are six graduate students obtain a doctorate.

The expert Group believes that the completion of the project the subject of the task targets in terms of the examination book, complete acceptance of the document, it was agreed that the project passed the acceptance.

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