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1st Merck Catalysis Symposium in China
Update time: 2008-03-27
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The 1st Merck Catalysis Symposium in China took place in the educational base of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The symposium was hosted by the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and subsidized by American Merck Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

The Catalysis Symposium focuses on catalysis, in which many world-famous chemistry scientists in this area were invited to give their academic reports related to the update progresses and forward explorations. Mr Kuiling Ding and Mr Dawei Ma, the researchers of the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, cohosted the conference. Dr. Yongkui Sun from Merck Co., Ltd. addressed the opening ceremony speech, while Mr., Luiling Ding, addressed the closing ceremony speech separately. 6 reports were made in this symposium. They are “Studies in Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis” made by Professor Erick Carreira from ETH in Switzerland, “Transition Metal-Catalyzed Cyclometallation Involving Allenes” made by Dr. Shengming Ma, academician from the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, “Enantioselective C-C Bond Forming Reactions of Organoboronic Acids” made by Professor Norio Miyaura from Hokkaido University, Japan, “Unique Asymmetric Catalysis of Metal (ONNO) Complexes: Atom-Efficient Oxidation” made by Professor Tsutomu Katsuki from Kyushu University, Japan, “Privilleged Chiral Ligands with Spiirobiindane Backbone” made by Professor Qilin Zhou from Nankai University, and “New Catalysis Concepts” made by Professor David MacMillan from Princeton University. Rich and various speeches attracted nearly 300 teachers and students and researchers in enterprises.

Since the Catalysis research have been playing an important and vital role in life sciences and materials science, Merck Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. sponsored and launched this symposium and invited famous scientists to give speeches, aiming to make new developments and new breakthroughs in the field. It was the first time that this symposium held in China, and it was hosted by the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry. 

As the pioneer in Pharmaceutical companies, headquartered in New Jersey America, Merck Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. is a multinational corporation engaged itself in study, development and sales of the new pharmaceutical products on the basis of scientific research.


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