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“Shanghai-Hong Kong Chemical Synthesis Joint Laboratory” Ranks Second in the Evaluation of Sino-Hong Kong Joint Laboratories
Update time: 2008-10-28
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In 2008, International Cooperation Bureau of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) organized the third evaluation activity of “Joint Laboratories of CAS and Hong Kong”, which is held every 3~4 years. The joint laboratory co-established by Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong University got good grades of the third place and obtained the fund reward of Chinese Academy of Sciences in the evaluation.

By reference to the evaluation method of national key laboratories and relevant Sino-foreign joint laboratories, Chinese Academy of Sciences formulated “Measures for Evaluation of Joint Laboratories of CAS and Hong Kong” (for trail implementation) to carry out strict statistics verification for the projects, funds, cooperation results, talent cultivation quality, academic exchanges, etc as applied by each joint unit, calculate scores and rank the laboratories. There were 21 joint units attending this evaluation this time, including 9 joint laboratories and 12 units applying for establishing joint research laboratories. In the end, 13 joint laboratories passed this evaluation and were recognized.

This joint laboratory, founded in 1999, focuses on the design of chiral ligands and its application in asymmetric catalysis, synthesis of natural products, structural chemistry and catalysis of metal complexes, molecular design and molecular recognition, self-assembly performance study, catalytic polymerization, macromolecule assembly, calculational chemistry and physical organic chemistry, undertakes many national research tasks such as 973 program, National Natural Science Foundation of China program and joint fund program of Chinese Academy of Sciences/Hong Kong Croucher Foundation, and obtains a large number of results. So far, 44 papers have been published in the name of Shanghai-Hong Kong joint laboratory, 4 of them were published in J. Am. Chem. Soc.and Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. In addition, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry has established cooperation research relationship with some research groups in Hong Kong by the Shanghai-Hong Kong joint laboratory, 4 papers have been published and 14 doctorial candidates have been cultivated, which promote the cultivation of chemical synthesis high-level talents of Hong Kong and the mainland.

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