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“Chiral China 2008” Symposium Held in Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry
Update time: 2008-11-25
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During November 21~23, 2008, “Chiral China 2008”Symposium was held in Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS. This symposium was co-sponsored by Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS, State Key Laboratory of Element Organic Chemistry, Nankai University, and Chengdu Organic Chemistry Co., Ltd, CAS, and attended by nearly 100 delegates coming from domestic scientific research institutions, universities and enterprises.

On the morning of November 22, Jiang Biao, the chairman of symposium organization committee and director of Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS, made a welcome speech on behalf of the organization committee firstly, welcoming scientists to attend this symposium, thanking National Natural Science Foundation of China for its great support to this symposium specially and hoping to promote the knowledge dissemination and frontier exploration of chiral scientific field, establish a cooperation platform between research institutes and enterprises and promote the development of medicine R&D, advanced material and key technology related to chiral science, through this symposium. Researcher Chen Yongjun, the deputy director of Chemistry Science Department of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Researcher Du Canping, the section chief, attended this Symposium.

This symposium was carried out by focusing on the theme of chiral science and medicine. Two specially-invited reports and twenty-two invited reports were arranged in this two days’ symposium schedule, and Professor Andreas Pfaltz at the Chemistry Department of University Basel Switzerland and Professor Keiji Maruoka at the Chemistry Department of Kyoto University Japan were invited to give specially-invited reports. Researcher Ding Kuiling, Zhao Gang, You Shuli and Hong Ran at the Institute, gave their invited reports at the symposium.

Chiral China Symposium is a meeting co-sponsored by Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS, State Key Laboratory of Element Organic Chemistry, Nankai University, and Chengdu Organic Chemistry Co., Ltd, CAS, which will be held every two years, aiming at providing a platform for scientists and enterprise researchers in the field of chiral science to communicate the up to date research results of chiral science, forecast the future development trend of this subject and establish effective corporation.

On the afternoon of November 22, after the report schedule is over, delegates of this symposium also held round table conference to communicate their experiences in this two days’ symposium, discuss the mode and direction of close cooperation with enterprises in the future and carry out layout and preparation to develop this symposium into an international conference.

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