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Professor Jiang Biao Was Elected as the Seventh Committeeman of the Japanese RIKEN Advisory Council
Update time: 2009-04-28
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The Nobel Prize winner, Chairman Ryoji Noyori, invited Professor Jiang Biao to be the Seventh Committeeman of the Japanese RIKEN Advisory Council. The RIKEN Advisory Council is the highest advisory body of the RIKEN, which is composed of the world's leading scientists outside the RIKEN. The Seventh Advisory Council is composed of 25 Nobel Prize winners of the prestigious universities’ research institutes and national laboratories of the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, Canada, France, Sweden and Japan, and the members of the Swedish Nobel Prize Selection Committee. Jiang Biao was the only one Chinese Professor invited since the establishment of the Council. From April 21, 2009 to April 24, 2009, the seventh RIKEN Advisory Council congress held in Tokyo carried on the evaluation of the first medium-term plan (2003-2008) and the consultation of the second medium-term plan (2009-2013) of the RIKEN. The first chairman Ryoji Noyori of the RIKEN demonstrated the Noyori Initiative after his taking of the position. The study was carried on taking the Noyori Initiative as the basis, realized the first medium-term objectives, medium-term plan, and created a high-level world-class international research institution.

The RIKEN is Japan’s the only one comprehensive institution of natural science. The research areas are not only physical and chemical; it also includes biology, engineering, medicine, life sciences, materials science, nano-science, information science, etc., engaging in a wide range of research activities from basic research to application development. The RIKEN has 92 years’ history since its establishment, initially set up by a moneyed corporation, but now it has the status of independent administrative corporation. The independent administrative corporation refers to that the budget is basically from the government, and the research and business are managed by the institute itself. The RIKEN has about 3000 researchers with an annual budget of about 62 billion Yuan, and the annual published paper number is for about 2300. The RIKEN is an institution which is similar to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, but has no education organization of graduate school; it is an institute which focused on the Advanced Study.

The RIKEN concluded multi-faceted research cooperation agreement with the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The two sides carried on the talents exchange, co-sponsored seminars, and the implementation of joint research. The RIKEN strengthen ties with China’s universities and institutes; based on the cooperation of the two countries’ researchers, to create new science and technology in Asia, and to contribute for Asia and the World’s development and peaceful coexistence. 

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