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The proseminar held by International Cooperation Team for homogeneous catalysis research
Update time: 2008-06-27
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The 2008 proseminar held by International Cooperation Team for homogeneous catalysis research of Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science in Beijing from June 14th to 17th. On the meeting, Mr. Yongfeng Yang, the deputy director of Integrated Office of Bureau of Hian-Tech Research and Development Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Mr. Qing Tang, the deputy director of Department of Chemical Industry of Bureau of Hian-Tech Research and Development introduced the general situation related to the cooperation with overseas team in the second and third period of innovation of the Chinese Academy of Science, and releases the detailed requirements of the completion for projects, hoping each group could finish it seriously and carefully. Luna Bai, researcher of the Department of Chemical Industry of Bureau of Hian-Tech Research and Chanping Du, the director of department of organic chemistry, Division of Chemistry, the National Natural Science Foundation of China were invited to the seminar.

12 members in the International Cooperation Team including Mingsheng Ma, Xuelong Hou, Yong Tang, Kuiling Ding, Min Shi, Yuanhong Liu from Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Professor Xumu Zhang from the State University of New Jersey, Professor Lin Pu from University of Virginia, Professor Peng Wang from the Ohio State University, Professor Guigen Li from Texas Tech University, Professor Zuowei Xie from the Chinese University of Hongkong, and Professor Guocheng Jia from the Hongkong University of Science and Technology, each delivered a 20min report, mainly to exchange the progress made in the past year and the plan of the next year. All members maintained that the existing collaboration were in good situation, which had brought obvious cross-effect and showed clear cooperation results, both in the fundamental research and in meeting the government’s needs. We also reached an agreement to finish the final project acceptance in high quality. Furthermore, the proper style of the cooperation to make a good advantage of each part was discussed in the Seminar. All members are willing to continue the collaboration through mutual efforts to get more fruitful results. 

State Key Lab of Organometallic Chemistry

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