On March 16, 2009, Professor KC Nicolaou of the Scripps Research Institute in American was invited to visit the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, and made the academic report of which the title was “Catalysis and Cascade Reactions in Total Synthesis” for the scientific research personnel of the whole institute, this seminar was presided by Academician Lin Guoqiang, Director of Advisory Committee of the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry.
Professor Nicolaou's research was mainly centralized on the fields of the chemical synthesis and chemical biology, Professor Nicolaou was the famous scientist of the natural products complete synthesis research field in the world.
Professor Nicolaou achieved the Doctor's Degree in the University of London in 1972. From 1972 to 1976, he studied in Columbia University, the Supervisor was Professor TJ Katz, and then in Harvard University where he studied, under the leading of Professor EJ Corey to engage in the postdoctoral research. After that he took part in the University of Pennsylvania and he was promoted to the Professor of Rhodes-Thompson chemistry. In 1989, he accepted the appointment to the San Diego Sub-school of the University of California as the Chemistry Professor; at the Scripps Institute he was appointed to be the Chemical Biology Skaggs Professor, and Director of the Department of Chemistry and presided the Darlene Shiley chemical seminar.
Professor Nicolaou is a member of New York Academy of Sciences (1987), Academician of American Arts and Academy of Sciences (1993), Academician of American National Academy of Sciences (1996), the member of American Scientific Development and Promotion Association (1999) and the foreign member of Athens Academy of Sciences (2001). Professor Nicolaou achieved the Honorary Doctor's Degree in numerous first-class universities. As the first author or co-worker, he has occupied more than 60 patents, publicized over 675 academic theses and published four monographs, including the complete synthesis of textbook.
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